name: 0.6..
shuai! famous artiste in tw now! got new book k!

name:ah zhi!
i know jingwen surely sae he not shuai.. i wan put one only.. he not wang shuai ok? =P

name: dian yang...
hmm.. also shuai lar.. we call him... "the one who wears toro's shirt.." =x

name: shan...
hmm.. to jw he's shuai.. so ok loh.. compromise.. put him here.. hahaS!

name: fa tiao!
really v shuai! and dirty minded! =.=" watch his vids and u will knoe..
his voice is like jay!

name: xiao le! (yang guang yu xiao le!)
best lar this guy! cute until cnt cute! hahas! he's friendly too!
dun dare his mine~ coz pf will lia gong! =O

name: xiao zhun...
to me.. he's special.. as in.. wang shuai's are seldom in short hairdo..

name: zha huang...
hmm.. he goes by angle.. so funny.. he's pattern is like zai zai.. shy type..

name: zhi zai..!
last but not least lar! he's my latest idol!lolx.. found out that.. he's j star's latest artiste..
argh>.<.. of all he chose j stars.. aka qiao jie li.. and he's da same age as us.. 17 this yr.. unbelievable yea?
come come! rate who's the most shuai de wang shuai! lolx.. like pasar malam.. =x
to me is xiao le and fa tiao most shuai... hehex..